A Blog by Fabriq
Communal by Nature
Sharpen your social skills — articles on relationships, community, and belonging to optimize your social health.

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We Asked 13 Experts to Define Social Wellness
Social wellness means something different to everyone. The one thing we all do have in common is that social connectivity is something we need.
5 Signs Your Social Circles Are Too Exclusive
How do you know if you are being inclusive in your social circles, or exclusive? Ask yourself these 5 questions.
Improve Your Social Fitness With These Fun Challenges
You know the importance of exercising your body to keep yourself physically strong, and you might do crossword puzzles or brain teasers to stay mentally fit. But have you given much thought to your social fitness?
How to Start Fresh in Any Friendship After a Falling Out
Sometimes doors need to close in our friendships, but how do we mend when the dust settles, and we feel drawn to reconnect?
The Superpower of Being Alone and Enjoying It
You can’t find happiness with an outside-in approach, it has to originate within you. When you master your inner thoughts, you can feel like an ordinary everyday superhero.
‘Fear of Being Left Out’ is a Biological Survival Technique
Whether you experience a moment of total disconnection in a crowd of friends or when you’re alone, your sense of “loneliness” is not entirely based on the presence of others.
This Trick May Help You Overcome Shyness & Social Anxiety
If you feel like social anxiety is getting in the way of your personal and professional life, it might be worth trying something unconventional to help you work through it.
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Men’s Groups
What exactly is a men’s group and what actually happens in these mysterious meetings? We asked somatic psychotherapist and men’s group facilitator, Jeff Howard, about his experience.
Understanding Your Social Circles
From the fabulous folks in your outer circle to the chosen family in your inner circle, your health and happiness thrive with community.
20 Ways to Celebrate National Friendship Day
Whether you’ve known each other since preschool or only met a month ago, true friends are priceless and great relationships deserve celebration.
We Surveyed 500+ People to Find Out Why It’s Hard to Become Closer Friends
If you’re looking to high-jump your own social roadblocks, what we learned provides fresh perspective on what’s holding most of us back from becoming closer to our friends.
Are We Really Ever “Too Busy” for Social Connection?
Why do we put so much effort into staying busy, and so little time into nurturing our most important relationships?
5 Simple Steps to Transform Your Dinner Party & Create Meaningful Conversations
Whether you live in a small apartment or you’re hosting a dinner party at a restaurant, use these tips for meaningful hang time with friends.
How to Lean Into Loneliness
Resist the urge to recoil from discomfort in your life and watch the magic happen. Learn how to lean into loneliness and embrace new opportunities to grow.
This One Skill Will Make You a Better Friend
If you’re looking to show people you care and strengthen your connections, you’ve gotta amp up your active and empathetic listening skills.